Speaker Night with John Milleker, Jr. – A Brief History of Photography

April 1st @ 7:30 PM

This month, we are very pleased to welcome our guest speaker, John Milleker, Jr., who will share his in-depth knowledge on the history of photography and the techniques used spanning from the Civil War wet plate collodion process to modern digital times. As John states, “almost like magic, chemistry and lens physics met up at the perfect time in history.  This is that story.”  John still uses these techniques as part of his business and will demonstrate how some of these processes work.

John is a full time, classically trained professional photographer serving Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, Delaware, and the entire East Coast of the United States.  With over 20 years of experience in film, digital, and alternative process photography he enjoys practicing, teaching, and demonstrating nearly every aspect of photography from traditional processes to modern.

In addition to private portrait sessions, workshops, and private lessons, thousands of spectators have enjoyed his presentations and demonstrations on several photographic processes in classrooms, clubs, events, and historical locations where he enjoys sharing his passion with others. 

Nothing brings John more joy than the thought of his work being loved and admired for generations.  Photographs, prints, and plates of people, places, or things – they all carry the same excitement.  No matter if he’s behind the camera, in the darkroom, speaking to a group on photography, or hanging out of an airplane shooting for an assignment, he know he’s made the right choice for his career and loves every minute of it. 

At the end of the day, John cherishes all photographic history, processes, and artifacts and enjoys the thought that through our lessons, workshops, kids’ classes, or presentations, someone will take the torch and help continue to keep the history of photography alive.

John also has launched a new photography podcast called, Under a Red Glow. Its focus is on the art and history of photography with an emphasis on alternative, chemical and darkroom based processes.  You can listen to his podcast by going to: http://www.underaredglow.com.

You can learn more about John’s photography, classes, workshops, and events on his website:  www.johnmilleker.com.