March 4, 2021, @ 7:30 p.m.

Tonight, we are pleased to welcome back former Silver Spring Camera Club member and professional photographer, Howard Clark, who will present his program, Getting from Good to Great.
All artists and photographers produce some “good pictures” that satisfy us completely. We also produce some stinkers and, maybe, a few great ones. Howard wondered what he could do to shift the distribution in a positive direction. For more than a year, Howard took on this task of reviewing hundreds of prize-winning photos with the objective of identifying what elements in those pictures lifted them far above the average. On top of the list was the standard elements of composition (leading lines, s-curves, repeating details, balance, etc.). The effects of weather, location, camera position or time of day also contributed to image success. However, our images can also benefit from subjective elements – things like humor, mystery, or surprise. This presentation will illustrate all of these and more. It ends with a look at about 15 high-quality images – giving the audience an opportunity to consider what elements may have contributed to the success of those subjects.
Howard Clark is a professional photographer with over 55 years of experience with “enthusiast” and professional level cameras. While a PhD in Physics prepared Howard for a career in a laboratory, in reality he was more interested in reading Modern Photography than Physics Today. He attributes the growth of his photographic skills and photography career through his participation and leadership in five local camera clubs over the last fifty years. The clubs provided access to over 1000 lectures, competitions, critiques, field trips, exhibitions, and uncounted networking opportunities. Landscapes and scenery account for most of Howard’s images, and water appears in about 80% of those.
Howard retired in 2011 has received several awards and recognitions in local and international competitions. He has exhibited photos in 28 different galleries around D.C., eight of which account for solo exhibitions. Last June, Howard began a new career as an Adjunct Professor at Frederick Community College where he’s teaching courses on “Getting the Best from Your Digital Camera,” “Digital Photo Management,” “Introduction to Editing without Adobe Products” and “Getting from Good to Great,” which is an extension of tonight’s lecture. These courses are presented on Zoom and can be seen from anywhere – no travel required. Howard also has another solo exhibit which is scheduled in March at Brookside Gardens.
You can see more of Howard’s work on his website: