Speaker Night – Elizabeth Gray – Using Exposure Creatively

Thursday, January 6, 7:30 PM

Elizabeth Gray

For our first speaker night of the new year, we are pleased to have Elizabeth Gray, a professional photographer from Vancouver, Canada.

In photography, exposure is the amount of light falling on the camera’s film or sensor. However, there are practically limitless combinations of aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, which produce a “correct” exposure. So how do we determine which of these is the “best” exposure?

In this presentation, we will answer that question. You will learn the relationships between aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. And more importantly, you will learn how each one influences the look and feel of a photograph. Once you understand these relationships and influences, you will have the skills to create photographs that match your artistic visions.

Elizabeth Gray is a professional photographer living in Coquitlam. After 25 years of teaching structural engineering at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, she and her husband moved to the southern US for five years. While in the States, she combined her two passions, photography and teaching, and started her photography education business. Elizabeth shoots a variety of genres, including birds and wildlife, landscapes, and architecture. Most recently, she has been concentrating on street photography and documentary wedding photography. To see her work, read her blog, and for links to articles she has written for Photography Life, check out her website at http://photographybyelizabethgray.com.

A few samples of her work:

Elizabeth Gray ~ Untitled

Image 5 of 5

ƒ / 7.1, ¹⁄₃₅₀₀ sec, ISO 800 X-T2