Silver Spring Camera Club Board Meeting Minutes — September 30, 2021

Nine board members attended this Zoom meeting.

Committee Chair Reports:

Secretary:  No minutes available from last meeting

Treasurer: Bruce reported we have 66 members and 4 are new members, better than last year at this time. The carry-over from last year was $6338.  We have approximately $8500 in the bank account now.  The Community Service fund is up to ~$774 with recent donations.  Liability insurance and the church rent deposit are the recent expenses.  Including those we have $1586 in expenses for this fiscal year, including the speaker and judge’s fees.   

Vice President:  Dennis Freeman reported that he made sure that the Treasurer had access to the Jotform and Squareup data needed to track the member payments. 

Other Reports:

Programming:  We have all of our speakers and judges lined up for the upcoming year, including the End-of-Year judge.  Frank Gallagher has volunteered to take over Programs from Renee and Karen.  He will need a committee of volunteers to assist him. Send any committee membership suggestions to Renee so that she can approach these candidates.  

Regarding a question of “who sends out email blasts for meetings?”  The answer is that Karen sends the speaker and judge email blasts and forwards these to Michael Koren for the Meetup announcements.  Dennis does the same for the Photo Forum meetings.

Cable Release: October’s Cable Release was published but no email blast has been sent out to members to notify them.  Dennis volunteered to do this tomorrow.   

On a related topic, the Member Handbook links were completed by Mark Paster, and are available on the club website.

Field Trips: No report. General discussion about Phil’s plans to do the Sultana Downrigging trip at the end of October. 

Website, Meetup, Facebook, Twitter:  Karen indicated that she occasionally adds content to our Facebook page – Lisa suggested adding a link there for potential new members.

Competition:   General discussion about how we select competition topics for the year.  Lisa doesn’t like so many Open topics. Dave Powell said he could moderate a member discussion about this during the Photo Forum.

Membership:  MPA is looking for feedback about hybrid (Zoom/in-person) meetings, and Lisa suggested we ask our membership about this and possibly other things in a survey.  She will send the board a draft survey for comments.  

Photo Forum: Meeting planned for Oct 21.

Other Topics: 

Karen suggested we have a member picnic, i.e., a social outdoors.  General discussion resolved to set this up for October 23 at a local park to be determined.  Bruce and Renee volunteered to find a location.