September 2024 Photo Forum

Thursday, Sept 19, 2024, from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.

“Photo Forum” is our monthly opportunity to share ideas, images, questions, and inspirations on a wide variety of photographic topics.

This is an online event.  We will meet using Zoom – look for the meeting link in an email and via Meetup. 

Open Forum Discussions:

  • What’s on your mind, photographically?  Opinions, Observations, Questions, Exhibits, Reviews, etc.



  • “Using PhotoPills and/or Photographer’s Ephemeris for Planning” – Frank Gallagher
  •  “New Changes to Competition Levels” – Sherm Edwards
  • “Sports Photography – Maryland Senior Olympics” – Pete Morton & Dennis Freeman
  • “Intro to New Critique Meetings with Demo of your Images” – Pete Morton

We are looking for volunteers to present for future months. Contact Dennis ( ) with your idea.


Image Critiques (for “Intro to Critique Meetings”, above):

  • Send up to 2 images you would like to have critiqued. (we return to image sharing in October)
  • Please include answers to these questions in your email for each image:

    1. When you took this photograph, what attracted you to the scene?

    2. What do you want the viewer to feel when looking at your image?

    3. What benefits are you hoping to gain from the Feedback Session? Please specify up to three things and list them in priority order. Some examples of possible goals could be the one shown below, but please feel free to use your own.

    ·    Modifications to help achieve a mood or emotion in the viewer,

    ·   Methods to make an image have more initial impact,

    ·   Suggestions for making an image “pop”,

    ·   Ideas for helping a photograph rate higher in a competition,

    ·   General discussion of what viewers see or feel about the image.

Send up to 2 jpg images.  Your jpg images can be up to 1 MB size each.  Include your name in the filename.  (please use our digital Competition specs for size: ) .    

Send your images to Dennis Freeman before 5:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY, Sept 18.   (   


This is expected to be a great evening of sharing and learning. What topics would you like to explore? Topics can be wide ranging, such as photo book reviews, an aspect of your own photography that you’d like to share, reviews or discussion of shows, photo gear, software, etc.

Please join us for a fun and educational evening!