Board Meeting Agenda
Silver Spring Camera Club
October 26, 2024
Board members in Attendance: Catherine Honigsberg, Dennis Freeman, Miriam Struck, Bruce Schaefer, Frank Gallagher, William Rabinovich, Tanya Riseman, Lisa Auerbach, Marc Auerbach, Andrew Rein, Dennis Freeman, Pete Morton, Norm Bernache, Bob Catlett.
Not in Attendance: Michael Koren, Sherm Edwards, Phil Boyer
Guests: No Guests
Meeting Called to Order: 7:34
Secretary: Miriam
Catherine read minutes from last meeting. Discussion included the updating of the SSCC handbook, AI use in competitions, future meeting dates and consideration of a Dave Powell award.
Treasurer: Bruce
- Report (See Report)
- Rent payment approved for the remainder of the year. ( Jan-June)
- Audit: Dennis volunteered to do the “audit” which will entail taking a random sample of expenses and revenue and tracking the money and bank balance.
- Insurance policy is updated and paid for
Vice President: Dennis reported that all duties covered by the vice president is current. No concerns to report.
Other Reports:
Programming: Speakers are lined up for rest of the year. The committee is continuing to identify judges.
Cable Release: Going well. Editors continue to solicit and encourage articles from members.
Nominations and Selections Committee: The committee continues to need a competition chair. No one has come forward to fill the position permanently. Larry is filling in and volunteers are also filling in as needed. Lisa reported that she has found three volunteers for the committee but no one has volunteered for chair.
For Competition: Kay and Karen and Wendy are helping with the Light Box, set up, and other tasks. More ribbons are needed. An inventory is needed before ordering. Someone is needed to keep track of winners. Discussion continued regarding tasks and people who can fill in.
Having the membership list available during check in is needed before the competition to check if entrants are paid members. Submissions by unpaid , non -members are not accepted.
Nominations Committee Needs to be revived. Discussion regarding the importance of a competition chair and nominations.
Field Trips: No update.
Website, Meetup, Facebook: No Update.
- Feedback on in-person meetings was discussed. It appears these meetings are going well and people are enjoying them Lisa reported that people clapped and cheered at the October competition and so it was considered to be successful, New people have attended. The venue is working out. The sound system needs improvement. Temperature control needs improvement.
Membership: Getting name tags for the in person competition/events. The committee is sending out meet up notices and getting good responses.
Photo Forum: Nov. 16th: 3 presentations are on the agenda:
Tour of the website
Recent upgrades to LR & Photoshop
Regular discussion
Other Topics:
- Voice Amplification – Had not been purchased yet. Catherine has it in her Amazon basket. Andrew will take a look at the device before Catherine puts in the order.
- Money back from MPA membership. Discussion regarding do we want to donate it or keep and not have to raise dues? Last year the money was given to the food bank. Board members in agreement with sending it to the food bank.
- Purchase other domain names for the club? Discussion regarding the background and current website, names. We have two domains already. Board members are in agreement to retain only the 2 we have.
- Discussion regarding reviving the Refreshment committee? Cookies at the meeting? Picnic? To be continued
- Discussion regarding changing the name of the Honor Fund? Change the name to Public Service Fund?
Name changed to the Community Service Fund approved by the Board.
- Honoring Dave Powell. It has not been decided what form of the honor. Miriam will check with Jane Powell regarding ideas for donations in Dave’s honor. To be continued.
Meeting ended 8:59