Welcome to the Silver Spring Camera Club. Visitors and new members are invited to our public meetings, which take place the first three Thursdays of every month, September through May. We also welcome you to our field trips. Signups are through Meetup.

Meetings are either in-person, or virtual on Zoom.

The first meeting of the month is our speaker night, held virtually.

In person meetings will take place on the second Thursday of each month, and will generally be our competition. In person meetings are held at Northwood Presbyterian Church, 1200 University Boulevard West, Silver Spring, MD.

On the third Thursday of each month we hold a virtual meeting. This will generally be our Photo Forum which includes discussion, member presentations, and photo sharing.

The February Cable Release newsletter

This week at the Silver Spring Camera Club

No events this week

Winners of the December Competition

December’s competition was Humorous for projected and print images. Ron Peiffer was our judge. 


1st Place: David Blass ~ You Can’t Do That
2nd Place: Lisa Auerbach ~ In the Spirit of Rockwell
3rd Place: Larry Gold ~ Bird Nest
HM: Renee Schaefer ~ What’s in the Bag?


1st Place: Larry Brauer ~ You Scratch My Back . . . 
2nd Place: Ilona Linnoila ~ Newt Crossing
3rd Place: Diane Sanders ~ Who’s Calling?


1st Place: Jim Riley ~ Surviving DQ
2nd Place: Gerry Woods ~ Marlboro Man
3rd Place: Kent Morris ~ After Walking a Mile


1st Place: Thomas Allen ~ Santa Claus is Coning to Town
2nd Place: Sherm Edwards ~ Generation Gap
3rd Place: Beth Koller ~ The Show Must Go On
HM: Renee Schaefer ~ What are We Looking At?


1st Place: Bruce Schaefer – Hot Chick

Member Spotlight

Our member spotlight for this month is David Terao

Other Information

2024-2025 special competition topics:

In addition to the usual, open, nature and monochrome categories, there will be three other competition topics next year:

Abandoned: Abandoned photography captures images of man-made structures
or other man-made objects (e,g, vehicles, machinery) no longer serving
their original purpose, and that show the effects of long neglect. The
abandoned structure or object should be the primary focus of the image;
for example, an image of a human model in an abandoned building would
not be allowed.

Found abstract: A found abstract is a photograph of shapes, colors, and
textures discovered intact in the environment. The photographer can
create a close-up of one portion of a scene or object, to isolate it
from the whole and thus eliminate explanatory context, but in this
competition, it is okay if the object can be identified.  The
photographer may use minor post processing techniques to emphasize
attributes and create moods, but another person should be able to return
to the original site/scene and identify the same image that you “found”
and captured in your picture. In-studio constructions or manipulations
do not qualify.

Humorous: Humor, like beauty, is in the eye (or funny bone) of the
beholder. Any image submitted that the photographer thinks is humorous
is acceptable. It will be up to the judge to weigh the technical and
artistic aspects of the image along with its humor.

Please help make preparation for Competition Night easier!

Field Trips


At least 9 SSCC members gathered at dusk to photograph monuments on the National Mall, organized by Owen Epstein and documented by Gerry Woods. We had excellent weather. The wind was so calm that the Reflecting Pool was like a sheet of glass — great for photos! We were joined by a young man from Rockville who is interested in joining the Club.


Several SSCC members led by Phil Boyer met near Nationals’ Park for urban street and architecture photography. To quote Wendy Kates, “Who would have thought that one of the most interesting features of the Navy Yard was the O Street Sewage Plant?”

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Member, Photographic Society of America