New Competition Levels

The Club is changing the competition levels starting in September 2024. The new levels are Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced, and they are based on the number of points members have won in past competitions since the Club went to the Projected and Print categories. Points are counted separately for the each of these categories, so a member may be in different levels for the two categories. There will no longer be a Beginner level.

The point total ranges are 0-24 points for Novice, 25-69 points for Intermediate, and 70 points or more for Advanced.  (The previous cutoff between Novice and Advanced was 35 points.) Attached is a list of all 2023-2024 Club members with their tentative competition level assignments, separately for Projected and Print.

If you were a Club member in 2023-2024 and:

  1. You’re assigned to the Advanced level, you must submit in the Advanced level competition for the category. This will likely mean no change for you.
  2. You’re assigned to the Intermediate level, you may submit in either the Intermediate or Advanced level competition, even if you previously competed in Advanced.
  3. You’re assigned to the Novice level, you may submit as Novice, Intermediate, or Advanced, even if you previously competed in Advanced.
  4. If you choose to submit in a higher level than your assignment, you must stay at that level (or move up) for all subsequent competitions in that category (Projected or Print).

If you are a new Club member:

  1. You may submit as Novice, Intermediate, or Advanced in your first competition in either the Projected or Print category. You may submit in different levels for Projected and Print.
  2. Once you have submitted in either the Projected or Print category, future submissions in that category must be at the same or a higher level.

If you are a returning Club member who did not belong during the 2023-2024 season:

  1. If you don’t know how many points you have won, ask Norm Bernache for your Projected and Print totals.
  2. Once you know your point total(s), follow the steps for current members above.