May Photo Forum

Thursday, May 18, 2023, from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.

“Photo Forum” is our monthly opportunity to share ideas, images, questions, and inspirations on a wide variety of photographic topics.

This is an online event.  We will meet using Zoom – look for the meeting link in an email and via Meetup. 

Open Forum Discussions:

  • What’s on your mind?
  • What did you get out of our May speaker, Jym Wilson, on “Coming Full Circle: Photography Lessons from a Career in Photojournalism”?
  • What photography opportunities can you recommend to other members?
    • A survey: Which type of photography are you drawn to most?
      • Landscape
      • Wildlife
      • Portrait
      • Architecture
      • Abstract
      • Street
      • Sports


  • We are looking for volunteers to present for this and future months. Contact Dennis ( ) with your idea.
  • We are planning to demo and provide tips/techniques for some new Adobe tools (e.g. Lightroom & Camera Raw masking)

Image Sharing:

  1. .Send up to 2 images you would like to share and get feedback on. Use a “1” or “2” in the titles. We will do all of the #1’s first, then the #2’s. If your two images are to be compared with each other use a “1a” and “1b”. We will spend more time on the #1’s. We may not spend as much time on the #2’s. If you are submitting images to Photo Forum for the first time tell us!
  2. If your prefer, include “Share Only” in your title to indicate that you’d like to just share and talk about your image, and are not asking for suggested critiques and processing suggestions. To get the default critiques and suggestions do nothing!

This month’s theme will be Open.

Send up to 2 jpg images.  Your jpg images can be up to 1 MB size each.  (please use our digital Competition specs: ) .    Send your images to Dennis Freeman before 5:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY, May17.   (   

This is expected to be a great evening of sharing and learning. What topics would you like to explore? Topics can be wide ranging, such as photo book reviews, an aspect of your own photography that you’d like to share, reviews or discussion of shows, photo gear, software, etc.

Please join us for a fun and educational evening!