Board Meeting Minutes Final Draft January 25, 2024
Silver Spring Camera Club Board Meeting
Location: Zoom Meeting
Start Time: 7:33 PM, adjourned 8: 35PM.
Board Members in Attendance: Catherine Honigsberg, Dennis Freeman, Lisa Auerbach, Marc Auerbach, Andrew Rein, Tanya Riseman, Bob Catlett, Michael Koren, Kay, Kurkoff Will Rabinovich, Frank Gallagher, Phil Boyer, Miriam Struck, Pete Morton
Not in Attendance: Bruce Schaefer, Renee Schaefer, Normand Bernach, Sherm Edwards, Larry Gold
Committee Chair Reports:
Secretary: Miriam read December minutes.
Treasurer: Dennis: Audit update. It will be started after Sunday.
Cable Release:
Nominations and Selections Committee: No responses from inquires.
Field Trips: Any MPA club members are welcome on our trips without a fee. However, non SSCC members can contribute a donation of $10.00 if they wish. Discussion regarding posting trips to the MPA Facebook page in addition to the Meet up notices. Field trips is a benefit of SSCC membership. Vote on allow MPA members attend fieldtrips without asking for a donation was tabled until Bruce returns., as it is a revenue source.
Website, Meetup, Facebook, Twitter:
Competition: Discussion about competition criteria/rules. Kay feels comfortable with identifying rules and determining if an image meets the criteria. The Co-Chairs determine if the image meets the rules and is eligible for possible award and points.
Projector: Discussion on the current quality of the projected images and possible need for a new projector. Do we need a new projector? Will is willing to look into the need for another projector or a large screen TV, or what may meet our needs for competition. It was noticed that there seems to be issues with projecting reds and yellows accurately. This projector is a replacement since 2008.Pete suggested that a small group look into whether replacement or recalibration is needed. Pete, Will, Andrew volunteered for the committee.
The majority of the board in support of competitions. Frank noted a shortage of judges in MPA. Some people are motivated by the points and some like the critiques. Discussion regarding adding an intermediate category.
There was agreement that this is a pro competition club. The Board discussed the pros of adding an intermediate category. The membership to be polled regarding adding an intermediate category.
It was suggested that Mentors for New members be offered a mentor, especially in regard to the benefits of competition
Photo Forum would be a good time to discuss feedback from the judges and to get feedback on images and post processing. An additional in person meeting a month for Photo Forum was discussed. Action was tabled until Bruce returns to assess additional expenses that may be incurred for another meeting in the current space. The Board would like to get back to in person critiques as they are a great way to build the club.
Membership: Lisa has reached out to new members to encourage them to be active and participate. A member asked if there is a phone list of members. The google group would be a good source
Photo Forum:
Action Items: Frank reported that the speaker for Feb can’t make it. A substitute has been identified and can fill in.