Competition Topic Definitions 2024-2025

The following definitions apply to 2024-2025 competitions.


In open competitions, free rein is given to the choices the photographer makes in the creation of the submitted image. Images of any and all subjects or themes, created using any photographic or post- processing methods or techniques, are acceptable. The images are evaluated based upon the judge’s general assessment of their creativity, emotional and/or intellectual impact, aesthetic beauty, uniqueness of subject, and technical skill. The judge need not assign any specific weight to any single attribute of the image.

Nature Photography

Acceptable entries are photographs that portray various aspects of natural plant and animal life; that illustrate the natural features of land, sea, and sky; or that reveal natural phenomena. No image in this competition may show human intervention. Domestic plants (e.g., in a botanical garden) or animals (including zoo animals) may be included as long as they do not show any human intervention (e.g., collars or ear tags, gates, walls, paths, signage).


Humor, like beauty, is in the eye (or funny bone) of the beholder. Any image submitted that the photographer thinks is humorous is acceptable. It will be up to the judge to weigh the technical and artistic aspects of the image along with its humor.

Found abstract

A found abstract is a photograph of shapes, colors, and textures discovered intact in the environment. The photographer can create a close-up of one portion of a scene or object, to isolate it from the whole and thus eliminate explanatory context, but in this competition, it is okay if the object can be identified. The photographer may use minor post processing techniques to emphasize attributes and create moods, but another person should be able to return to the original site/scene and identify the same image that you “found” and captured in your picture. In-studio constructions or manipulations do not qualify.


Abandoned photography captures images of man-made structures or other man-made objects (e,g, vehicles, machinery) no longer serving their original purpose, and that show the effects of long neglect. The abandoned structure or object should be the primary focus of the image; for example, an image of a human model in an abandoned building would not be allowed.

Monochrome Photography

The term “Monochrome Photography” encompasses images that use only a single color, including the full array of shades of that color. So, for example, black and white photos, with black as the single color and its multiple shades of gray, are monochrome. Other single colors and their shades are equally acceptable. Under this definition, a sepia tone photo is acceptable, but a sepia tone photo containing a red umbrella would not qualify as a monochrome. Any subject matter is acceptable. In addition, a photo is acceptable if was originally taken as a color image, as long as the image presented for the competition has been rendered into monochrome.

AI Policy

A policy on the use of AI, particularly generative AI, is being developed. In the meantime, please be mindful of the Official Competition Rules and Awards document on the webpage. The pertinent rules can be summarized as

  1. The photograph originates from a light-sensitive device (such as film or digital camera, as well as scanned film, enlarger, copier, or flatbed scanner, etc), (Section 1)
  2. The photograph is made by the entrant and any image editing, retouching, or manipulation of images must be done by the entrant. (Section IV)
  3. Respects others’ copyright. (Section 1)