Harrisburg Camera Club 7th Annual Light & Creativity Workshop

Harrisburg Camera Club

7th Annual Light & Creativity Workshop


Saturday, April 1, 2017, 8:00 am through 5:00 pm

The Conference Center at Central Penn College

Valley Road and B Street, Enola PA 17025

          Speakers this year include Olympus Trailblazer, Frank T. Smith, who will present “More than Saying Cheese – The Art of Photographing People” as well as the keynote address,  “For the Love of It –the Gap between Vocation and Avocation”  – a unique perspective on how he has managed to reignite his passion for photography over the past 20+ years.

          Albert Horner will discuss how to build a monologue with your artwork – deciding what the message is and choosing artwork that speaks to your audience with a common theme, including stories about his 10 years photographing the Pinelands Nature Preserve.

          Awake the Light photographer, Mollie Isaacs, will focus on Abstract Photography using  shape, line, color and texture to create unique and compelling images.


          The advanced registration fee for the one-day workshop including a breakfast bar and hot lunch buffet is: $80 and $50 for students. Registration at the door is $5 higher. Payment may be made from the LightandCreativity.org website or by sending a check to:

                    Harrisburg Camera Club

                    c/o Randal Lathrop – President

                   80 Meade Drive

                   Carlisle, PA  17013