May 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes May23, 2024
Silver Spring Camera Club Board Meeting 

Location: Zoom Meeting
Start Time: 7:33 PM, adjourned  9:50PM. 

Notetaker: Miriam Struck, Secretary

Board Members in Attendance: Catherine Honigsberg, Dennis Freeman, Bruce Schaefer, Lisa Auerbach, Marc Auerbach, Sherm Edwards, Frank Gallagher, Tanya Riseman, Bob Catlett, Norm Bernache  Kay Carkhuff, Will Rabinovich, Pete Morton

Not in Attendance: Phil Boyer, Andrew Rein

Secretary: Catherine read the minutes from the April 2024 meeting 

Vice President (Dennis) Dennis went over the sign-up list for the end of the year award meeting. Pete will open at 5:30. Four other people volunteered for set up. There will be colored table cloths. We still need someone to decorate. Center pieces: Kay will check into center pieces. There will be 8 tables. Dennis went over the sign-up sheets for the items needed and jobs to be done. There will be three photographers. 

Dennis went through the agenda and  door prizes. Social hour and dinner hour start at 6:30. Ceremony starts at 7:45. Pete will start the program. There was discussion about the order and time needed for each item on the agenda. Pete and Kay will give out door prizes. 

The judging was completed yesterday by David Terao.  Dennis recorded the judging. All other awards have been determined and certificates are printed.

Dennis went over the layout of the tables for the dinner. There are 2 tables for the prints. 8 tables to eat at.

More extension cords may be needed and Catherine will bring some. 

Ticket rolls, garbage bags, cups, plates are in the bins in the storage room. Extras will be provided. Tom will be running the projector. 

Providers of door prizes were identified (Kay).

Expect to see your scripts Saturday morning

Norm: MPA runner ups:  Runner ups should get at least one point. Catherine suggested that Norm write up his proposal and then the Board can vote on it. 


2023/2024-member total= 84. 15 new members

Current operating loss: $156.00. Bills left are those that comes from the end of the year event. Carrying over about $6000. From savings

The third Thursdays should still be available for in person meetings at the Church.

Bruce will check with the Church on availability for additional meetings. 

Cable Release: Summer edition will go out in July. Handbook will go out this summer.

Nominations and Selections Committee: No responses from inquires. 

Field Trips: 

Website, Meetup, Facebook, Twitter: Frank discussed reinitiating the social media accounts. This includes  the club Facebook page. Discussion included logistics for administrating the page/account. Frank will work with Gerry Woods to develop a proposal for the Board to consider

Tanya provided a brief outline of her proposal to create a web-based club handbook instead of relying on PDF format. Tanya sent out proposed format for the handout via email to board members to look at. The web-based format will work on cell phones and it is easier to get to the section desired. Web-based also makes it easier to edit or change the content in the handbook. Tanya proposed  making a new version with navigation links using this year’s  handbook to try it out. The Board voted and passed a resolution  to authorize Tanya to post the handbook and a new version by September. 

Discussion concerning the setting up of a Google calendar.

The Board discussed the raw data that Norm manages, backs up and protects. We need a protocol on how often the data is backed up. It currently is kept in CSV form. A proposal will be put together to be voted on to deal with the backups. Questions to consider: Where should it be kept? How often? Google drive? External drive? How much data? How do we want to store it? Norm and Tanya to look at this and come up with a proposal. 

Competition: Norm brought up that runner ups should get at least one point toward their totals. Catherine suggested that Norm write up his proposal and then the Board can vote on it. 

The results of the recent topics survey were discussed. Dennis went over the replies that were received. The top topics are: Abandoned, Found abstracts, humorous, reflections, still life/tabletop. The top three will be used. Definitions will be sent out to the membership. Frank will develop a tentative schedule for next year

The Board discussed Including and Intermediate category as previously discussed. A proposal needs to be written up so that the Board can voted on it. It would be helpful to for Board members to know  the distribution of points across the membership prior to voting on such a proposal. Norm will provide a point distribution of members. 

Some members want the club to provide photo critiques in addition to that provided during competition. This is a budget issue that will need to be voted on. It could be done during break-out sessions during photo forums. This could be another way to get people involved. Could provide another way for people to interact and learn from each other. It could be a way to mentor each other. A proposal needs to be developed. Lisa will talk to members who have discussed this issue with her. Pete will develop a photo critique committee. Pete and Lisa will start the Photo Critique Committee. 

Membership: Lisa reported that one member recently resigned because the club is about competition instead of how to take a better picture.

Photo Forum: Other Topics: There will be a photo forum  in the summer. TBD.

Action Items: 

Next Board meeting TBA