Connecting with the Club and its members is easier than ever before. You can find us on Meetup and we have a Google group forum. Of course, the best way to connect is to attend one of our meetings! But, between our weekly gatherings here are all the different ways to connect to SSCC online when you’re not at a meeting.


If you want to hear the latest photo news and reach out to fellow SSCC members for answers, sign up for the SSCC listserv.  The SSCC listserv uses Google Groups, a very simple, well-known, intuitive system. To sign up, email  All we need is your name and email address. You will then get an invite by email.

There are two ways to access listserv messages. One is by email. You have the option of receiving each post by email, or getting a single, digest email approximately once a day with all of the posts in it. You can respond to all posts by replying to the email.

The other method is by going to the Club’s Google group website, which is From there, you can read discussion threads, respond to a thread, and/or start a new thread. You can also adjust your settings so that you only receive a daily digest of posts instead of getting each one separately by email. See the “Edit my membership” link on the right.

If you’ve never been a member of a listserv, this may sound a bit complicated, but it’s actually fairly simple. If you have questions, please see the web manager Will Rabinovich at a meeting, or just email to See you online!


The SSCC “Facebook Group” is intended for a group of people to connect around a shared interest in order to have online discussions and share resources, information and ideas.  Group members can share comments, images and videos easily with other members of the group. You can access the SSCC FB Group on your computer by going to the Facebook website.  You can also access the FB Group by smart phone or table by downloading the free Facebook App.  It’s easy to join the SSCC Facebook Group.  Just search for the Silver Spring Camera Club Group “Groups” in Facebook.  When you find our group, click on “Join Group.”  You will be prompted to answer three simple questions, and one of the FB Moderators will approve your request.  If you have any questions, please send an email to


Silver Spring Camera Club is on the Meetup social media platform!  Meetup is an online social media tool that fosters genuine connections with Meetup members while enhancing the visibility of SSCC in the community.  We joined Meetup to help advertise the many exciting activities we offer and encourage more members to join the club and participate. More sharing of knowledge and experiences will help everyone grow as photographers and make membership in the Silver Spring Camera Club more worthwhile than ever before.

Meetup is not just a social media platform similar to Facebook or Twitter.  Meetup really fosters face to face meetings rather than exclusively online “friends” and “followers”. Meetup exists in 180 countries, and has almost 22.5 million members among 209,000 Meetup groups, with about 4,000 of those groups about photography.

Current members of the Club are encouraged to join the Meetup group. Go to:

The advantages of joining the Meetup group are reminder emails about meetings, finding and staying in contact with other members, a place to post and enjoy looking at others’ photos from field trips and finally, the possibility of finding other Meetup groups that may interest you with different topics than photography. Take a look around and join the fun!