Seventeen board members attended this Zoom meeting.
Committee Chair Reports:
Treasurer: Bruce reported we have 77 members vs. 94 last year, 8 of which are new. Our income is projected to be $3,245 versus $3,790 last year at this time with $400 coming from new members. Our expenses are projected to be $1,500 versus $2,426 last year with the biggest difference being rent paid last year. We are projecting a net gain of $1,700 for the year.
Vice President: Dennis Freeman gave a thorough presentation on on-line payment methods. The Board voted to pay $40 for the software to be able to set up the form and use PayPal as the payment processor.
Other Reports:
Programming: It was voted to change the judge and speaker fee to $100, to remain competitive with other camera clubs.
Catherine brought up setting up criteria for judges to use when they insist on obtaining the images before the competition. Pete, Frank, and Renee will draft an outline of what the club expects the judges to deliver that is close to what we do now.
Cable Release: Dennis has stepped in and put together our newsletter while Sherm is recuperating.
Field Trips: We will be postponing the field trip from this weekend to next weekend due to rain forecasted. Phil to send the updated information to Catherine for the eblast and Michael for Meetup.
Website, Meetup, Facebook, Twitter:
Nominations and Elections Committee: Will send out a flyer asking for volunteers next year in an email blast.
Competition: To gather topics for next year, David Powell will solicit topics in the Closer Focus and a blast will be sent out to the membership.
To keep track of points for member reaching the limit in the class they are in, Norm will send a report breaking out the classes and points. The points will be monitored by membership and competition when the images are submitted.
We will use a Flicker account to submit the images for judges who request to see the images in advance.
Membership: The renewal letter Lisa, Marc, and Andrew sent out worked very well.
Lisa brought up the idea of a donation for Carl Brandt’s passing. Lisa will contact the family to see which organization they would like the club to make a $50 donation to a food bank.
Other Topics:
End of Year: Renee will start the process to find an end-of-year judge for the 2nd Thursday in June.
Catherine will send out a new Zoom invitation for the Board Meetings.
Michael is looking for a MPA representative from the SSCC and Lisa volunteered.
Andrew will redistribute the lists for new venues for next club year.
Action Items:
Catherine to contact Dottie’s for the brass plaques.
Dennis to finalize the on-line payment option.