A Closer Focus – May 17

by Dave Powell


An opportunity to share ideas, images, questions, and inspirations

Half an hour will be an open forum discussing issues at hand.  There will also be half an hour for 10 minute presentations by members. This is always a great evening of sharing and learning. What topics would you like to explore?  Topics are very wide ranging, such as photo book reviews, an aspect of your own photography that you’d like to share, reviews or discussion of gallery shows, photo gear, software, etc.  Or bring a gadget to share.

For May we will include the following:

  • Dave Powell will arrive early (6:30 p.m.), and will review any portfolios that you like.  Not everyone was able to do this last month, and this is your opportunity! 
  • We will finish March’s picture assignment, where we went through the prints but not the projected images: Bring several of your digital photos (e.g. thumb drive) that you consider as “Art” or “Not Art”, and discuss.  We will do this first.
  • General discussion topic is “How do we structure workshops and education back into these meetings?”  This has been a struggle in the past – how to achieve a proper balance in the time available.
    • Let’s improve on the past efforts.
    • All ideas are valuable.   Consider these during the summer, for implementation in the fall. 
  • Assignment:  Bring in your photographs using color for organization!  e.g. same color, contrasting color, etc.
  • Also, bring in one of your photos critiqued in the Portfolio Review last month, and discuss the comments made about it.  Was anything surprising? 
  • Prepare to discuss how you plan to conduct your summer photography! 

Future topics of A Closer Focus include: compositional strength, HDR, abstract images, or anything else photographic you want to bring to the table. This is an opportunity for you to provide input to the SSCC experience.

If you would like to be on the agenda, please email me at: 