The SSCC board met on March 22, 2018. Fourteen board members were in attendance.
For a list of the officers and committee members that comprise the Board, see the following: 2017-2018 Officers and Committee Chairs
Committee Chairs and Other Reports:
Treasurer: No report.
Programming: No report.
Field Trips: Trip to Fells Point was a huge success: Andrew reported in 3 trips in April:
- New—First Saturday Night in Frederick on April 7
- Ellicott City on April 15
- National Zoo on April 23
Website: No report.
Cable Release:
Dennis is working on a redesign for the upcoming PSA competition; solicited articles for next month; deadline is 31 March.
No report, but slate must be presented to members at first meeting in April. Larry polled officers to see if any where stepping down. None were. Phil Boyer was willing to step down if there was a volunteer eager to become secretary; no one did, so in the absence of a volunteer he remains on the slate.
Sue and Wendy will be stepping down for the Membership Chair.
The extra projector will be brought in and kept in the storage cabinet as a back-up.
We have 92 members of whom 28 are new.
Michael reported that, for tax reasons, we can’t use Square. After discussion, it was agreed he will set up a Pay Pal account.
Social Media Guru:
Michael is soliciting candidates for interviews from MeetUp; probably high school students. Mark, Catherine and Tanya will join him for the interviews. Mark offered to pay for membership for person selected; others offered to contribute.
Closer Focus/Portfolio review:
Long discussion of who should be invited, how many should take part, should it be advertised in meet up. Final conclusion was:
- Review open to first 20 members who sign up; sign list will be announced and circulated at each meeting; members beyond 20 can be on wait list or come to watch.
- Will be advertised on meet up, with announcement that it is open only to paid SSCC members.
- Andrew will be the photographer for the event.
Honor Fund: No report.
Pete encouraged people to use study groups. Will do an article in next CR. Will also prepare a survey for members to a survey to see who is in PSA and what they use.
Maryland Photo Alliance:
15 clubs are now members; still working on a Judging Certification Program.
Year-End Event:
Event will be 6:30 till end. Tanya is still looking for judge; asked for suggestions. Greg Holden suggested. Also asked for help with awards. Bruce & Wendy will do decorations. Sue will organize the food and flowers. Wendy will lay out the food.
Raffle/ door prizes: B&H sent a light gadget, still looking for others
Inventory: will be able to use some of existing cutlery and tablecloths. Will need inventory on certificate papers from David Blass.
Andrew donated B&O Railroad passes and there are 3 left.
Main Topics for Discussion:
Constitution Review:
The process of reviewing the Constitution completed. Phil Boyer will type up edits and circulate for review and comment.