Member, Photographic Society of America
Winner of the 2008, 2011, and 2012 PSA Henricks Award for best newsletter!
Sherm Edwards, Editor, Cable Release, at cablereleaseeditor@ssccphotography.org.
The following scheduled events will be conducted online as Zoom teleconferences, except for the Field Trip. Look for announcements and invitations by e-mail, Meetup, and on the club’s Website.
- Oct 1 – Speaker Night (7:30 p.m.)
- Oct 8 – Competition — Nature (7:30 p.m.) with a new “Beginners” category
- Oct 11 – Field Trip! – Cunningham Falls State Park – Click here for details.
- Oct 15 – Closer Focus (7:30 p.m.)

If Montgomery County Schools close due to inclement weather, Silver Spring Camera Club meetings and outings will be cancelled. See montgomeryschoolsmd.org for closure information during the work week. For Mon-Fri AFTER 5:00 pm & on the weekends, call 240-777-2710 or 311 from within Montgomery County. Sign up for text alerts: AlertMontgomery and choose both a local MCPS school and ‘Community Use of Public Facilities Alerts’. Note that this policy does not apply to online meetings!
For general information about the club, contact us at: info@ssccphotography.org
A list of the club officers and committee chairs, and their emails, is located here: Officers and Committee Chairs
More information is available in the Silver Spring Camera Club (SSCC) Member Handbook: 2020-2021 Member Handbook
© 2020 Silver Spring Camera Club and its contributors. Copyright Notice & Disclaimer Policy
DEADLINE: BY OCTOBER 24th TO cablereleaseeditor@ssccphotography.org.
October meetings will be online by Zoom teleconference.
Speaker Night via Zoom Videoconference October 1st – Harold Ross – Sculpting with Light; a Transformative Process

Please join us for a creative and inspirational evening with master light painting photographer Harold Ross. Harold will share his vision and process of “Sculpting with Light,” a technique he has been perfecting for 30 years. He will show us how his photographic methods using light painting can transform the ordinary subject into something remarkable. Harold will also discuss how to uncover the amazing power of dimension, depth, and detail by using specialized, yet simple, masking techniques in Photoshop. (Read more)
Hi everyone: Just in time for the Nature Photography competition on October 8th, we’re introducing an exciting addition to our competition nights. We appreciate that many of you (particularly if you’ve recently joined the club), may be a little intimidated about entering your images in competitions. So, to ease the glidepath, we are creating a new “Beginners” category, that will give you the benefits of a competition, without having to compete against more experienced photographers. Here’s how the Beginner’s competitions will work:
- The Beginners category is open to any club member who has not yet received a ribbon in any club competition.
- You may enter 1 or 2 images per competition, using the same procedures for submitting electronic images for the Novice and Advanced categories. Please be sure to include “Beginner” where you would otherwise enter “Novice” or “Advanced” in the identifying information.
- Your images will be critiqued by the competition judge, just as if you had entered the Novice or Advanced competitions.
- The judge will select 2 Beginner images for Honorable Mention, but no club competition points will be awarded.
- If you enter an image in the Beginners category, you may join the Novice or Advanced categories at any subsequent competition. (And even if you choose not to participate in a Beginner’s competition, you may still join the other categories directly, as per current competition rules.)
- Our current competition rules govern the number of times you may enter the same image in Novice or Advanced competitions. Entering an image in the Beginner’s category will not count against the limit on the number of times you may submit an image in the other two categories.
So, please have at it in the Beginners competitions. Despite any trepidation you may feel, competitions are an extremely fun and valuable part of participation in the Club!
Larry Gold, Competition Chair
Our September topic is Nature Photography:
Acceptable entries are photographs that portray various aspects of natural plant and animal life; that illustrate the natural features of land, sea, and sky; or that reveal natural phenomena. No image in this competition may show human intervention. Domestic plants (e.g., in a botanical garden) or animals (including zoo animals) may be included as long as they do not show any human intervention (e.g., collars or ear tags, gates, walls, paths, signage).
Members may submit up to two images meeting this definition. The images should be emailed to: competition@ssccphotography.org by midnight on Thursday, October 3. (One important detail – In order to participate in the competition, you must pay the club’s annual dues before the start of the competition.)
Here’s the schedule for the remainder of the year:
- November – Open
- December – Selective Focus
- January – Open
- February – Abstract
- March – Open
- April – Decay
- May – Monochrome Photography
- June – End of Year Competition (special rules apply)
Please refer to the website link for the definition of each topic.

Ron Ames’s artistic training is as a Muralist. From 1986-2013, he owned Artnousfaux, a Mural and Decorative Painting business serving Washington, DC and Maryland. During this time, he documented his work through photography. When Ron retired in early 2013, he wanted to continue with photography. He graduated from the Digital Camera Mastery program taught by Mark Hemmings. He is also a graduate of the Master’s program of the iPhone Photo Academy and the iPhone Editing Academy taught by Emil Pakarklis. Later that same year, Ron became a member of the Montgomery County Camera Club and has been juried into many local exhibitions. His photographs are in private homes in England, Latvia, Georgia, Alabama, and Maryland. In 2019, Ron’s name was submitted as a candidate to MPA’s judging certification program. He graduated in December 2019. In 2020, Ron became the Vice President of the Montgomery County Camera Club.
A CLOSER FOCUS – October 15
– by David W. Powell
An opportunity to share ideas, images, questions, and inspirations. The September meeting will be by Zoom videoconference. Look for an invitation in an e-mail from the Club or a Meetup announcement.
Half an hour will be an open forum discussing issues at hand. A half hour is devoted to presentations by members. And a half hour is set aside for member image reviews.
This is always a great evening of sharing and learning. What topics would you like to explore? Topics are very wide ranging, such as photo book reviews, an aspect of your own photography that you’d like to share, reviews or discussion of gallery shows, photo gear, software, etc. Or bring a gadget to share.
- Presentations, which may include breakout sessions:
- Picture assignment:
- Submit one or two images that you think would be considered abstract. For each image, you could submit a “before” and an “after” (post-processing) version, and be prepared to say why you like the image or, even better, why you love it.
- If you are a relative Beginner (see “Competition Column” above), submit one or more images in any category for discussion. It’s a chance to get some gentle guidance from Club veterans on how to improve your photography.
- For either category, send your images to Dave Powell before the meeting (davidwesleypowell at gmail.com).
- Discussion Topics:
- What does “Abstract” mean to you as a photographer?
- How could the Cable Release better meet your needs as a Club member?
- Anything else you would like to bring up.
- Book/Gear Reviews: What book/gear/software have you experienced that you’d like to review?
Future topics of A Closer Focus might include: compositional strength, HDR, or anything else photographic you want to bring to the table. This is an opportunity for you to provide input to the SSCC experience.
If you would like to be on the agenda, please email me at:
davidwesleypowell at gmail.com
Leader: Phil Boyer 301-204-5549
When: Sunday Oct 11
Where: Cunningham Falls State Park
14274 William Houck Drive
Thurmont MD 21788
Meet Up: 10:00 AM There
Lunch: PICNIC—Bring enough to Share!!
Cunningham Falls State Park is located in the picturesque Catoctin Mountains. The William Houck Area, located three miles west of Thurmont on Route 77, has the lake area, falls and camping area.
– Merge onto Capital Beltway/I-495 W toward Bethesda/Northern Virginia.
– Merge onto I-270 N via EXIT 35 toward Frederick.
– I-270 (EXPRESS) N becomes I-270 N.
– Then 20.72 miles
– I-270 N becomes US-40 W.
– Then 1.05 miles
– Stay straight to go onto US-15 N.
– Then 16.03 miles
– Take the MD-77 exit.
– Then 0.24 miles
– Turn left onto W Main St/MD-77
– Then 1.05 miles
– Turn right onto Westview Dr.
– Then 0.10 miles
– Take the 1st right onto William Houck Dr.
– Then 0.01 miles
For SSCC’s rules for safe field tripping during the pandemic click here, and for the SSCC Waiver of Liability, which field trip participants must sign, click here.
by David Blass, Projectionist for Club Competitions.
The Silver Spring Camera Club is looking for someone to serve as backup “projectionist” for competitions. It’s a fun and essential job for the contests. I am happy to do it but right now I’m the only active club member who knows how. This means that if anything, major or minor, happens to disable me or my computer/internet, there will be no way to run the next contest. Read more.
If you’re been interested in the Camera Club Google Group (SSCameraclub@googlegroups.com), please read all of this.
Some years ago, the Club set up a Google Group. When I assumed responsibility for the Club’s web site, I also inherited managing the Google Group. Many, but not all, club members are members of the Google Group, and the Google Group includes some people who are not current club members. We’ve never been strict about enforcing a membership requirement. The Google Group (GG) belongs to the club and is intended as a place for members to discuss and share photography-related ideas, discussions, and images, if desired. The usual rules about acting, writing, and treating each other respectfully apply here.
Particularly in this time when “social distancing” can mean more isolation, the GG can be a useful way for us to stay in touch, share what we’re doing photographically, etc. I ask that posts to the list stay largely related to photography. No politics, religion, rants about social conditions, etc. The rule of thumb might be that if you’re comfortable bringing up the topic in a Club meeting, and you would be comfortable saying it face to face, then you’re probably okay. One unusual feature of our GG is that members (only) may post messages offering to sell or buy photo-related items for/from their personal stuff.
While the Club can’t do everything it normally does using the GG, or in the real world these days, hopefully this GG will help some of us stay in touch, stay sharp and sane as our social circles in the physical world shrink of necessity.
Let me know if you have any questions and concerns. If you want to be added to the GG, email me at mark@sunnydoor.net. PLEASE remember that all of us are essentially making it up as we go in dealing with this crisis, and we’re trying our best to stay healthy, while also not giving up those parts of our lives that are some of the best parts. Be gentle, be kind, be healthy.
Mark Paster
SSCC Web and Google Group Manager
Some of you may be already be aware that the Maryland Photography Alliance (MPA) launched its new Facebook Group in April 2020. Since its debut into social media, MPA is proud to announce that it now has over 700 members from 13 MPA photography clubs. The Silver Spring Camera Club (SSCC) is proud to be a participating member of MPA.
The MPA Facebook Group serves as a platform for timely notifications of MPA activities and announcements, such as Odyssey of Light, contests, MPA gallery shows, photography opportunities, webinars and other photography related information and events occurring outside of the MPA area. Many MPA photo clubs are also using the MPA Facebook Group to announce their special meetings, club announcements and to post invitations to new webinars. While it is not a place to buy or sell camera equipment or to post your personal photos, it is a great resource for an abundance of photography related info delivered promptly to your Facebook news feed.
How to join? Open Facebook on your phone, computer or tablet and type, Maryland Photography Alliance (MPA), in the search bar at the top. Request to be a member and answer the question about your main photography club. Membership is automatic and posts will automatically appear in your news feed. It’s that simple.
If you do not wish to join the MPA Facebook Group, no problem. Important MPA announcements will still arrive to you via email, although there may occasionally be a delay of a day or two. Many of us like the MPA Facebook Group for announcements because it is fast and easy.
MPA would like to have as many members as possible from their clubs to join the Facebook Group. If you haven’t already done so, please sign up. It is a great way to stay connected to the local photography community.
Karen Finkelman
On Saturday, September 19, 6 SSCC members enjoyed the beautiful Fall weather on covid-aware Field Trip to the Robinson Nature Center, Columbia, Maryland. Here are some photos from the trip.
The SSCC Board met on October 22, 2020. Minutes from this meeting will appear in the November Cable Release.
September’s competition was was for projected images only. Matthew Mahlstedt was our judge that evening. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the competition was held remotely over Zoom.
There were only two main categories: Advanced Projected (i.e. digital images), and Novice Projected. The two Print categories are suspended until we start in-person meetings again. Awards are given for first, second, and third place, and multiple honorable mentions (HM) – the number of awards depends on the total number of entries in the category.
- 1st: Wendy Kates – Three By Three
- 2nd: Robert Peters – Petrified Forest
- 3rd: David Blass – Desert Stars
- HM: Beth Koller – The Maestro
- HM: Karen Finkelman – Red Leaf
Wendy Kates~Three by Three
- 1st: Ray Kalisek – Misty Morning
- 2nd: Anne Golfer – Orange Bugs
- 3rd: James Ragucci – Kahului Jetty
- HM: James Ragucci – Fresh Maui Gold Pineapples
- HM: Andrew Rein – Patuxent Lillies
Ray Kalisek~Misty Morning
his was taken in late May in Shenandoah National Park, around the time it reopened after lockdown. This is facing north on Skyline Drive looking through the Mary's Rock Tunnel. The weather said to expect fog, and it certainly delivered! Pentax 645Z, 45-85mm @ 60mm, 0.6 sec at f/16, ISO 100.
Needed: Someone to author the Classes and Workshop List for the 2020-2021 Cable Release club year. Please let Catherine [ president@ssccphotography.org ] know if you might be interested. This is an opportunity to inspire the learning of club members. In the meantime, we will show some online sources.
One vendor typically included in the Photography Courses/Class List has announced a few online classes: See Capital Photography Center: https://online.capitalphotographycenter.com/collections?category=courses . The rest either have suspended courses or are communicating to registrants by email.
The online course providers typically listed in The Cable Release are obviously still operating—
Also offering free webinars—on photography printing—is Moab Paper. See: https://www.moabpaper.com/moab-tv?rq=tv I have never taken one of Moab’s webinars, but Moab is a main producer of artistic photo papers. Other vendors are offering free webinars, but they tend not to give advance notice, so the ones I have located are offered only in April.
Please let us know of other online opportunities you discover by emailing us at cablereleaseeditor@ssccphotography.org.

by Dennis Freeman
The following offers a number of competitions for your consideration this month. Some of these sources having standing calls for entry, and others are one-time calls. Some offer cash and prizes, and others don’t.
See the full Calls for Entry article here. (Read More)

by Bruce Schaefer
The following link is a column that lists a number of photography-related exhibits and events occurring now, or soon, in the extended Washington D.C. area. These include gallery exhibits, museum exhibits, college exhibits, special events, and sometimes exhibits or events to photograph yourself! This month, given continued restrictions on gatherings, it features some selected sites for the armchair adventurer!
See the full column here: (Read More)
Take a look at what our sister camera club, the NIH Camera Club, has going on. Here is a link to their site. There you can find their newsletter, the Cameraderie: nihcameraclub.com