Member, Photographic Society of America
Winner of the 2008, 2011, and 2012 PSA Henricks Award for best newsletter!
Sherm Edwards and Tanya Riseman, Editors, Cable Release, at cablereleaseeditor@ssccphotography.org.
The following scheduled events will be conducted online as Zoom teleconferences, except for the Field Trips. Look for announcements and invitations by e-mail, Meetup, and on the club’s Website.
- May 5 – Speaker Night (7:30 p.m.)
- May 12 – Election (7:30 p.m.)
- May 12 – Competition – Monochrome Competition (7:30+ p.m.)
- May 19 – Photo Forum (7:30 p.m.)
- May 21 – Spring Picnic (12:00 noon)
- May 22 – Field Trip! Street/Boat Photography, Annapolis (10 a.m.)
- May 26 – Board Meeting (7:30 p.m.)
- June 3-4 – FIeld Trip! Mid-Atlantic Air Museum WW II Weekend, Reading, PA
- June 9 – Year-End Awards Ceremony and Social (Social 7:00, Awards 7:30 p.m.)

If Montgomery County Schools close due to inclement weather, Silver Spring Camera Club meetings and outings will be canceled. See montgomeryschoolsmd.org for closure information during the work week. For Mon-Fri AFTER 5:00 pm & on the weekends, call 240-777-2710 or 311 from within Montgomery County. Sign up for text alerts: AlertMontgomery and choose both a local MCPS school and ‘Community Use of Public Facilities Alerts’. Note that this policy does not apply to online meetings!
For general information about the club, contact us at: info@ssccphotography.org
A list of the club officers and committee chairs, and their emails, is located here: Officers and Committee Chairs
More information is available in the Silver Spring Camera Club (SSCC) Member Handbook:
Back by popular demand! The Mid-Summer Cable release!
This special edition will contain the results of the End-of-Year Awards Ceremony and Competition. If you’d like to share an article, announcement, or Letter to the Editor about anything photographic please email them by June 24. This special issue is a great opportunity for articles about early summer projects and travel! Email items or questions to Tanya Riseman and Sherm Edwards at cablereleaseeditor@ssccphotography.org.
DEADLINE: BY June 24th TO cablereleaseeditor@ssccphotography.org.
All meetings will be online by Zoom teleconference until further notice. We are hopeful of being able to meet in person in the next Club year.
SPEAKER NIGHT WITH RON WYATT – From Minor League to the Olympic Games: Ron Wyatt’s Journey Through the World of Sports Photography
Thursday, May 5, 2022, from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.

Ron Wyatt, a self-taught photographer from central New Jersey, has enjoyed an illustrious career in the sports photography world. He has covered the NBA, NFL and Major League Baseball, as well as two Summer Olympic Games, Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008. His photos have appeared in various publications such as USA Today, Black Enterprise Magazine, Time Magazine, Newsweek, TV Guide, and ESPN. Over the years, Ron has covered corporate assignments for a variety of companies including Six Flags, Eastman Kodak, Continental Airlines, CVS, Pepsico, Verizon MetLife and Capital One. His Olympic work was featured in Studio Photography and received a seven page spread in the July 2009 issue of RangeFinder Magazine. American Photo called Ron Wyatt, ” A Modern Master of the Olympics.” In addition, Ron has worked as a video cameraman for MSNBC, Comcast Sports, News12 and Court TV.
Tonight’s presentation, From Minor League to the Olympic Games, Ron will discuss capturing the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat in sports photography. Whether you’re an ambitious beginner or a seasoned pro, Ron will cover equipment, camera set-up and planning an awesome shooting strategy. Ron will also emphasize the importance of knowing the game – how to have fun photographing sports and what it’s like to cover the Olympic Games. Before you know it, “play ball” will resound in your neighborhood and ballparks across the land. Ron will help family photo-bugs prepare for capturing action on and around the field. This will be the perfect seminar to learn the basics of sports photography and see images of epic sporting events captured by a true pro.
Our May topic is Monochrome Photography.
The term “Monochrome Photography” contemplates images that use only a single color, including the full array of shades of that color. So, for example, black and white photos, with black as the single color and its multiple shades of gray, are monochrome. Other single colors and their shades are equally acceptable. Under this definition, a sepia tone photo is acceptable, but a sepia tone photo containing a red umbrella would not qualify as a monochrome. Any subject matter is acceptable. In addition, a photo is acceptable if was originally taken as a color image, as long as the image presented for the competition has been rendered into monochrome.
Members may submit up to two images meeting this definition. The images should be emailed to: competition@ssccphotography.org by midnight on Thursday, April 7. (One important detail – In order to participate in the competition, you must pay the club’s annual dues before the start of the competition.)
Here’s the schedule for the remainder of the year:
- June – End of Year Competition (special rules apply)
Please refer to the website link for the definition of each topic.
Thursday, May 12, 2022, from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Sharon Prislipsky is a retired school administrator who has had a life-long interest in art and photography. She began to pursue her passion full time nearly twenty years ago, and has found not only a means of artistic expression, but a true appreciation for the craft involved. Her goal is to present to the viewer the scene or the subject as she experiences it and to share her unique vision.
Sharon and her husband, Vic, live in Hot Springs Village. They have traveled extensively throughout the United States, photographing both iconic locations and subject matter found along less traveled back roads. Favorite subjects for Sharon include, landscapes, nature, architecture and images that evoke the past. She relies not only on the technical skills but the feeling and emotion she wants to communicate. Her portfolio includes color and monochrome as well as infrared images.
Sharon serves on the Board of Directors the Photographic Society of America and the Photographic Alliance of America, and is active in several local camera clubs. Her digital and print images have won numerous acceptances as well as over thirty medals in International Exhibitions.
Thursday, May 19, 2022, from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.
“Photo Forum” is our monthly opportunity to share ideas, images, questions, and inspirations on a wide variety of photographic topics.
This is an online event. We will meet using Zoom – look for the meeting link in an email and via Meetup.
Open Forum Discussions:
- What’s on your mind?
- Your takeaways from Speaker Night – Ron Wyatt: “From Minor League to the Olympic Games”
- Bring your ideas for what you’d like to see presented in next year’s Speaker Nights! Frank Gallagher will gladly take all your ideas for his summer’s planning.
- Do you have ideas for what Photoshop topics you’d like to have covered in future Photo Forums?
- Pete Morton will present on Landscape Photography
- David Blass will introduce several SSCC members to talk about their juried selections to the Jos. Miller Abstract Exhibition this year.
- Dave Powell will talk about effective approaches to Closeup Photography
Image Sharing:
We will have member image sharing. This month’s theme will be “From Ground Level.” Take your shots with your camera down low. Or send any images you want to share, or would like feedback on.
Send up to three images. Your jpg images can be up to 1 MB size each. Send your images to Dennis Freeman before 5:00 p.m., WEDNESDAY, May 18. (dennisfreeman4510@msn.com).
This is expected to be a great evening of sharing and learning. What topics would you like to explore? Topics can be wide ranging, such as photo book reviews, an aspect of your own photography that you’d like to share, reviews or discussion of shows, photo gear, software, etc.
Please join us for a fun and educational evening!
Image submission deadline May 14, 2022
It’s hard to believe that we’re coming to the end of the SSCC season; but that means the Year-End Competition is just around the corner. Remember, this competition is not about selecting the best entries for a single month, but rather selecting the best entries from the monthly competitions for the entire club year (September 2021 through May 2022).
In a nutshell, the competition will be conducted as follows:
- Each member may identify up to 5 projected images from those that they entered in monthly club competitions this 2021-2022 season.
- Eligible submissions need not have won an award in the monthly competition(s) in which they were submitted.
- If a member has moved from the Novice to Advanced Projected level during the season, they may submit images for the Year-End competition in either the Novice or Projected levels, but not both – And, if you choose to enter the Novice Year-End competition, you may only submit those images you entered in the Novice level during the season; if, on the other hand, you choose to enter the Advanced level in the Year-End competition, you may enter both the Novice and Advanced images you entered in both levels during the season. (There is no Year-End competition in the Beginner’s level.)
- Please email your list of up to 5 projected entries to competition@ssccphotography.org. To identify them, please furnish in the body of the email your name, the title of each image and the month of the competition for which the image was submitted. Please do not resend any Projected electronic files; the electronic files that you previously submitted will be used.
- The list of Projected entries must be submitted by midnight May 14th (that’s 2 days following the final monthly “Monochrome” competition).
- As in other competitions, for each competition level, the judge will select first, second, and third place winners, and as many honorable mentions as the number of entries requires. In addition, the judge will select the annual Len Tuchin Best-in-Show award for the most exceptional image, regardless of level. The winners will be announced at the end-of-year Zoom celebration. The judging is “closed”; it is not held at a regular club meeting, nor are ribbons or points awarded.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Larry Gold, the Competition Chair, at competition@ssccphotography.org.
FIELD TRIP – Street/Boat Photography, Annapolis
Leader: Phil Boyer 301-204-5549
When: Sunday, May 22, 2022, at 10 A.M.
Where: Meet at City Dock, Main Street at the Harbor. ALLOW TIME TO PARK!!
What: Boats, Waterfront, old Buildings and Quaint Street. Tours to lighthouse don’t start until June; we may go back.
Lunch: So much to choose from: I propose O’Brien’s Oyster Bar and Seafood Grill, It faces the Harbor.
- Rt 50 East to Annapolis, then (per Mapquest)
- Merge onto Roots and Tides Byway/MD-7 via EXIT 24 toward Annapolis.
- Turn right onto College Ave/Roots and Tides Byway/MD-450. Continue to follow College Ave/MD-450.
- Enter next roundabout and take the 4th exit onto Duke of Gloucester St.
- Turn left onto Conduit St.
- Turn left onto Main St.
Field trip – Mid-Atlantic Air Museum WW II Weekend, Reading, PA
Leader: Phil Boyer 301-204-5549
When: Saturday, June 4, 2022. Meet at 10:00 a.m. It’s a long drive but the event opens at 8.30 a.m. Large crowds so parking is limited. OVERNIGHT OPTION: Events runs Friday — Sunday, and Aircraft is available for photography starting Friday afternoon. Leader will arrive Friday and stay overnight due to it being a long drive. Contact me at philboyer60@gmail.com or 301-204-5549 if you wish to coordinate.
Where: Reading Regional Airport, 1054 Arnold Rd, Reading PA 19605, Reading Pa. Note: address. Do not use Museum Drive in GPS!
What: Photograph WWII Planes, on exhibit and in an Air Show; also WWII Exhibits, Music. See their website here.
Fees: Admission is $35 per day; Go to the ticketing info to purchase in advance. Limited tickets to ride in planes are available, but very expensive $400+.
To Eat: Massive amount/variety of food available.
Directions.: Reading Regional Airport, 1054 Arnold Rd, Reading PA 19605, Use GPS—it’s a long way. Note: address. Do not use Museum Drive address in GPS! See directions here.
Bring: Tripod, Telephoto Lens, appropriate clothing
COVID RULES: The Club is not arranging carpools due to COVID. Attendees on the trip must wear masks and sign the attached COVID Waiver. PROOF OF COVID VACCINATION IS REQUIRED FOR ENTRY. There are crowds, but try to practice social distancing and keep your mask on.
2022 Year End Awards and Celebration Event
Thursday, June 9, 2022. Social starting at 7:00 pm. Ceremony and Awards from 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Clear your calendars for the evening of Thursday, June 9th! That is when we’ll meet (on Zoom) to celebrate the close of the 2021-2022 SSCC year, and present awards. We plan to start with a half hour of socializing from 7:00 – 7:30 p.m. with several breakout rooms. You’ll be able to drift from room-to-room as you want, and chat with other members.
Please check the Year End Competition Guidelines and submit your images for the competition by midnight, May 14. We will make multiple awards, recognizing your excellent work, in both Novice and Advanced categories, the Len Tuchin Best of Show, the Joyce Bayley Best of Show – Nature, Photographers of the Year, plus Photographic Excellence Awards (STAR Awards), Milestone Achievements, and the Service Award.
We will wrap up with a preview of several summer activities that we are planning.
More details and a meeting link will follow.
The SSCC Board met on April 28, 2022. Minutes from the March meeting may be found here.
Thursday, May 12, 2022, at 7:30 p.m.
In May the club will elect our leadership for the upcoming year running from September 2022 through June 2023. The nominating committee has produced the following slate of candidates for the 7 elected positions:
- President: Catherine Honigsberg, incumbent
- Vice-president: Dennis Freeman, incumbent
- Secretary: vacant currently, open to nominees! Like you!
- Treasurer: Bruce Schaefer, incumbent
- Director: Bob Catlett, incumbent
- Director: Pete Morton, incumbent
- Director: Michael Koren, incumbent
Elections will take place MAY 12th – the 2nd Thursday, preceding competition that evening. Alternate nominations may be made from the floor that evening by any member, for any member including themselves.
Please plan on attending that zoom meeting: It will be the final competition of the year. The theme is MONOCHROME. See the Cable Release for details on this theme
Join us for Spring Break, Saturday MAY 21!
Join your camera clubbers on Saturday, May 21, for an afternoon of appetizers, aperitifs, and – apertures? Travels, tv binges, shiny new toys, pandemic woes – all topics are on the table as we reconnect with the folks behind the Zoom faces. There are 95 of us now – including 17 brand-newbies – to swap stories with. It will be a raucous good time!
As in October, we’ll gather at a picnic shelter so we’re a go RAIN OR SHINE. The club will supply cups, plates, napkins, and utensils. Members are invited to bring their favorite foods and/or non-alcoholic beverages to share. There are clean — as in spotless – bathrooms. Not to worry.
Here are the details:
- SATURDAY, MAY 21; 12:00 noon – 4:00 pm. RAIN OR SHINE!
- Georgian Forest Local Park
2720 Silverdale Dr, Silver Spring, MD. Between Aspen Hill and Glendale
Let’s do this! It’s been such a long time, and Zoom just doesn’t cut it. Mark your calendar, RSVP, and plan on Saturday afternoon in the park with friends. See you then!
Please RSVP so we can plan for numbers!
YES, I’M COMING! Bruceschaefer9@gmail.com
In the SUBJECT line, enter your name and guest, if any.
Silver Spring Camera Club produces a long list of activities that lead to new adventures, more discerning eyes, wonderful images, and lasting friendships. But, like theater and so many other ventures, half the fun happens backstage. This is an invitation for you to join the happy group that delivers these events.
We are looking for backup and lead help in these areas. You can be an apprentice and learn the trade, or step in as an experienced hand and lend your guidance to the program. Here’s where you can contribute:
Programs! Field Trips! Membership! Social Media! Secretary! Make a Presentation!
It was a beautiful mostly sunny morning when 10 Club members and significant others gathered at the Gardens. We strolled around the grounds taking in the many sculptures in natural settings, and the special exhibit of fairy and gnome houses scattered among the trees and shrubbery. After the shoot, we lunched at the Ruddy Duck Brewery and Grill.
Larry Brauer suggested including in the CR a quote or two from this site: https://photographylife.com.
“A thing that you see in my pictures is that I was not afraid to fall in love with these people.” ~ Annie Liebowitz

- You’re Invited!
- Evening Fundraiser Gala
- A Night in the Bumper Car Pavilion
- Thursday, May 19th, 7-10pm
After 2 years of virtual connections, we are excited to have a big in-person celebration featuring the following:
- Our Classic Photo Raffle and Silent Auction
- Portrait Station
- Food/Beer/Wine
- Live Music
- And Carousel Rides from 6:30pm-7:30pm
Editor’s note: It can take considerable effort (and maybe some courage) to put together an article for the Cable Release. If you find something in an article that inspires, intrigues, or informs you, let the author know if you can. You can also send your reactions in a “Letter to the (CR) Editor.” Send to cablereleaseeditor@ssccphotography.org.
Spring Flowers Explosion Near D.C. Metro
By Dennis Freeman
The G. Richard Thompson Wildlife Management Area, near Markham, Virginia is about to explode in a spectacular display of large-flowered trilliums.
The season is short, and weather-dependent. Go before, not after, a rain storm! Expected peak is between ~May 1-10. Start looking for posts about trillium blooming near the end of April. (Read More)
April’s competition was Patterns or Geometric Forms, for projected images only. Lewis Katz was our judge. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the competition was held remotely over Zoom.
Three categories were judged: Advanced Projected (i.e., digital images), Novice Projected, and Beginner Projected. The Print categories are suspended until we start in-person meetings again. Awards are given for first, second, and third place, and multiple honorable mentions (HM) – the number of awards depends on the total number of entries in the category.
See an image that speaks to you? Let the photographer know the next chance you have!
1st Place: Larry Gold ~ Triangle Mirror
2nd Place: Wendy Kates~ Forever Diamonds
3rd Place: Tanya Riseman ~ Awning
HM: Wendy Kates ~ Three Martini Lunch
HM: David Terao ~ Corner Arc
HM: Renee Schaefer ~ Wings to the Skyhe Bay
Larry Gold ~ Triangle Mirror
I took this pic on a walk in Barcelona, Spain in 2019. As usual, I was lagging behind with my camera, when my wife and son turned around to see where I was. At that moment, I was looking at this mirror installation on the side of a nearby building and snapped the shot with both them and me reflected in the triangular panels. My camera (OMD-EM1) settings were: 40mm, 1/100 sec. @ f8, iso 200.
1st Place: Kay Carkhuff ~ Walker Lookout
2nd Place: Ilona Linnoila ~ Tunnel Vision
3rd Place: Jen Anglin ~ Conflict
HM: Bruce Schaefer ~ Man on Ledge
HM: Scott Casavant ~ Mall Light
HM: John Diehl ~ Echoes on the Thames
HM: John Diehl ~ Pine View
John Diehl ~ Echoes on the Thames
This shot of a bridge along the Thames River was kind of a perfect storm for me. Among my favorite photography themes are reflections, shapes, patterns and long exposures. This bridge called out to me as we walked by it in the afternoon, so I went back that night and shot a whole series. Between the beautiful lighting under the arches and the one car that raced by to give a bit of a streak above the rail, I could not have asked for more.
Needed: Someone to author the Classes and Workshop List for the 2021-2022 Cable Release club year. Please let Catherine [ president@ssccphotography.org ] know if you might be interested. This is an opportunity to inspire the learning of club members. In the meantime, we will show some online sources.
New! Here is a list of all the 2021-2022 judges and speakers along with courses and workshops they offer.
Thanks to Joe Willmore from the Shutterbug Excursions Meetup group for this list:
- CreativeLive: (not local but very popular and when I reached out for resources, several of our previous presenters mentioned this). https://www.creativelive.com
- Capital Photography Center: With both virtual and in-person classes, this is a popular resource locally. https://capitalphotographycenter.com
- Art League (located in the Torpedo Factory): Both in-person and virtual classes. https://www.theartleague.org/classes/
- Arts of Great Falls (I’m a photography instructor here): Both in-person and virtual classes. https://greatfallsart.org/school-of-art/
These online course providers are listed in every issue:
- Coursera
- KelbyOne
- Lydna.com is now LinkedIn Learning. For free access through the Montgomery County public libraries, see here.
- Photographic Society of America (PSA)
Also offering free webinars—on photography printing—is Moab Paper. See: https://www.moabpaper.com/moab-tv?rq=tv I have never taken one of Moab’s webinars, but Moab is a main producer of artistic photo papers. Other vendors are offering free webinars, but they tend not to give advance notice, so the ones I have located are offered only in April.
Please let us know of other online opportunities you discover by emailing us at cablereleaseeditor@ssccphotography.org. Especially welcome would be reviews of courses or workshops you have attended.
by Dennis Freeman
The following offers a number of competitions for your consideration this month. Some of these sources having standing calls for entry, and others are one-time calls. Some offer cash and prizes, and others don’t.
See the full Calls for Entry article here. (Read More)
Here is a link to the online Washington Post’s lists of D.C., Maryland, and Virginia photography-related exhibits and museums. The various photography-related exhibits appear in different parts of the online paper, making a simple search or link unreliable. You can search within:
Photography section: Photography
Going Out Guide: Going Out Guide
Art Section: Art
Take a look at what our sister camera club, the NIH Camera Club, has going on. Here is a link to their site. There you can find their newsletter, the Cameraderie: nihcameraclub.com
© 2022 Silver Spring Camera Club and its contributors.