Board Meeting — July 30, 2020

The Board met on July 30, 2020.  Sixteen board members and two non-members attended.

For a complete list of the officers and committee members that comprise the Board, see the Officers and Committee Chairs section from the menu, under “About,” on the main website.

Committee Chair Reports:

Secretary:  Catherine reviewed the May Board Meeting Minutes.

Treasurer: Bruce reported income for the club year was $4,373 with actual expenses totaling $3,182, with a gain of $1,191. The George DeBuchanne Community Service Fund has $504.00 for a total bank balance of $5,517.65 for July 30, 2020. 

 We had 98 members versus 93 last year and 26 were new versus 23 last year.

 Bruce will send out a copy of the report to the Audit Committee and we will use the projected budget sheet for the audit to be performed.

The Audit Committee selected the audit to be on August 6th at 7:30 via Zoom

Other Reports:

Programming: Karen and Renee are finding it difficult to find presenters and judges – they are zoomed out.  We discussed allowing pictures to be sent ahead of the competition. We decided to keep our competition the way it is. Michael will send Renee an updated list of Judges from MPA, who have an obligation to perform judging as part of their training. 

Since David Terao stepped down from running the competition, David Blass has agreed to run the competition for now and we will find someone else to train. 

Pete Morton did mention he is judging prints for PSA and they are delivering them to his house via the mail.  

Cable Release: Sherm will be sending out an email for submissions for September. Dennis Freeman volunteered to help with getting the Handbook out and has petitioned for the open articles. 

Field Trips: Phil is working on some field trips where we can comply with social distancing, masks and no carpooling.

Website, Meetup, Facebook, Twitter: Karen is taking over Facebook page.  She will create an outline of what she thinks should be included and the directors will take a look and approve it. 

Nominations and Elections Committee:  No report

Competition: The definitions for the topics were approved. Larry will connect with David T about taking over and the audio we will need. Catherine will send Larry David T‘s email with the detail of what he did. We will ask the Year End Judge to select the winner of the Len Tuchin Award from the two first place projected images. 

Membership: Marc and Lisa Auerbach and Andrew Rein will send out a summer letter to members regarding Zoom meetings until further notice. Marc, Lisa and Andrew will make a spread sheet of the members entries to the competitions. 

Other Topics: 


Action Items:

Bruce to contact the church regarding the lease

Member ship will draft a letter to be reviewed and voted on by the EC to waive  the dues of any members who have difficulty in paying. 

Catherine to contact Dottie’s for the brass plaques

Bruce will contact his insurance guy to review our renewal and offer any suggestions.  Catherine will send over the renewal email she received. 

Karen to prepare an outline for Facebook. 

Catherine to send Larry the email David T prepared regarding competitions. 

Renee will ask the Year-End Judge to select the Len Turchin Award.