Board Meeting – August 30, 2018

The SSCC board met on August 30, 2018 at Fuddruckers in Rockville.  Twelve board members attended.

For a complete list of the officers and committee members that comprise the Board, see the following: 2018-2019 Officers and Committee Chairs

Committee Chairs and Other Reports:

Treasurer:  We have a projected income from dues from 94 members of $3,900, and with field trip collections, Year-End lotteries, and miscellaneous, the total projected revenue is $4,480. With the changes in the budget that reflect fewer paid speaker fees, increases in awards for the Year-End Event and liability insurance, the projected expenses are $4,397 which leaves a projected profit of $83.00. The budget was voted on and accepted. We have 25 members that have renewed, 6 of which are new.

Tanya, on behalf of the Audit committee, will compile the findings of the audit performed and present these to the Board.

Programming: Renee has all the speakers and judges for this club year, with three on a waiting list.  No fees were mentioned to the speakers, but will be paid upon request.

Field Trips:  We have two trips scheduled. Phil has a draft of the trips for 2018-2019. Phil will lock down the dates and find leaders for the field trips.  Catherine will send out the suggestions to the membership for comments.

Website: No report from Mark, but the Competition content issue was resolved regarding rules. We discussed looking into analytics for the website.

Cable Release: Dennis will have the Cable Release and the Handbook completed this week. He did not get a great response for members signing up for the editorial calendar, so we will have Dennis, Pete Morton, and Lisa Auerbach give a quick presentation on how to write and submit articles to the Cable Release.

Dennis will contact Dave Powell to put a similar presentation in the agenda for A Closer Focus Night. The idea of including comments on articles was raised and Dennis will work with Mark on setting this up.

Nominations: We are looking for a Secretary, social media person, and assistants to board positions to train for transition of board positions that may become vacant.

Competition: The light box has been rebuilt. David Blass will fill in for David Terao on the projector during the competition when he is out in November.

Membership: Lisa and Marc met with Wendy and Sue to transition.  We discussed assisting when Lisa is out for one month. It was suggested that Lisa to become an admininstrator for Meetup so she can send new Meetup members a welcome letter from the club about joining.

We decided on the dates of October 4th for the board-sponsored social event and December 6th for the Winter Social. Lisa circulated a food signup sheet among the board members in preparation of the October 4th event.

Honor Fund: No report

PSA: There is a question as to whether Pete can be both a director and the PSA representative per the constitution and by-laws. This will be resolved at the next board meeting.

Constitution Review:  Publishing the proposed changes in the September Cable Release and plan on voting during the October Competition Night.

Social Media: None of the three respondents showed up for the interviews.

A Closer Focus:  No report


Survey: Pete will have the survey he is proposing sent out to the board for review.  He will compile the results of the survey in Excel.